Monday, December 14, 2009

Resolute in his desires...

Oh! Some action shots of The Dog when I came out of the Kitchen munching on a piece of toast. He was very insistent that I share.

The Dog loves his bread.
A couple of days ago, a girl-friend & I conducted an experiment with The Dog & bread. It was administered under very strict conditions... we were in her Kitchen and The Dog was way down the hallway on his bed in the Guest Bedroom. When all was quiet, we put out a loaf of fresh bread on a nice big wooden platter between us. WITHIN SECONDS!!! The Dog was sitting by my side awaiting A Treat of some b-r-e-a-d.

When The Dog gets excited about A Treat... and, especially, when bread is involved... he has to itch himself. Or, he sniffs his Private Parts. I chose not to include a photo of that.

But then... lo' & behold... The Dog's back into position for what he feels is His Rightful Due. Gads.

1 comment:

  1. I really love your blog and have been following it for months… my guy (.Jasper) is only 6 mos. old, he is crazy fun and unbelievably lovable.
    Moses looks just like him, even the little white patch on his chest.
