Saturday, November 21, 2009

Report of an alarming nature...

Well, not three hours after being torn from the Presence & Being of My Adored Canine at our local airport...
The Dog continued to sleep curled-up in the way back of The Short-person's AUDI. Said place is his third and, probably, the one most enjoyed of his several beds. Apparently, from what I can surmise, the hum of the car's four wheels tearing over Italian asphault is unbeatable for provoking A Good Nap. Yet, in The Dog's defense, it was a radically early 6 in the morning. The Dog doesn't stir from his upstairs bed at home until at least 8:30AM. Sadly, I was thusly kissed-off by The Short-person without so much as one Parting Glance FROM THE DOG!!!
...was not a report of the most alarming nature received from The Short-person.
While standing in line to board mon vol Air France pour l'Amerique... just one of way-too-many such human pilings compressed into the hour and ten minute change-of-plane jaunt at the massively disjointed CDG aeroport... why does the French Government feel the need for an alphabet soup of terminals, not forgetting that to get from G to E requires visiting A, B, C, D, and F?... did my cellphone not suddenly jump to life with the following Text Message... here it is in its entirety AND unedited for Posterity...

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