Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Dog...

Dear C...,
Has Spring come to Wisconsin? Here in Italy, The Weather is still mulling over the issue. 
To cheer you up, here are a few shots of My Adored Canine, The Dog. You know, I'd KILL for My Dog. That said... now we can get on with the pics...
Moses in the way-back of The Short-person's crummy beat up old AUDI. He's nestled against the door, Normally, he does so against the seat backs, however, he was thoroughly dis-oriented to see them in The DOWN Position. It took several minutes of his twisting around to figure out how best to plop down AND against what.
Here is Moses as My Construction Super-intendant. However, he cannot fathom how he was left up there & I got away down where I was. Apparently, His Job is to be wherever I am.
Here is a computer generated portrait of The Dog pulled off by a friend of ours. The frame was included in her feat of the gift. Is he NOT the Most Noble of God's Creatures?
Hope all is well.

Love... F...

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