Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Well, if you must...

Ah, yes...
"Moses! You are so highly appraised!"
At least, by The Men of The World.
As for The Ladies, they're only interested in the safety of their illegally parked SUVs.
The Dog is used to this.
However, what he really wants to know is... post-haste... while serving as a photographic subject...
A) Why are we not moving? It's Nap-Time.
B) Why are the accomodations for Dogs so pitiful & uncomfortable... i.e. must that hand-brake poke my Weimaraner head?
C) How come pieces of bread, cheese, hot-dogs or, that entire can of meaty dog-food I saw you surrepticiously throw into the trunk of the car not served during Our Jaunt-to-Who-Knows-Where?
D) Where is my sun-visor & Ray-bans... i.e. if you have a pair, I should have a pair too?
Well, I had inform The Dog that he was lucky to have been brought along. The Dog made NO COMMENT. Gads.

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