Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Freezing cold...

The Civil Defense Folk here declared a Snow Emergency for Tuesday night & all day Wednesday. The alarm was sounded on TV, radio & huge electronic sign boards over major thorough-fares. Suddenly, the city was covered with salt. Sand trucks went to & fro leaving huge piles of their gritty stuff. And, Police cars scurried around patrolling that all was to the ready. 
The weather did not co-operate. It dumped its fluffy white stuff before reaching Genoa and in the chilly hills behind us. All we got was The Wind & The Cold. 
Naturally, The Dog loved it. Bracing himself against the stiff gales, nose pointed at 15 degrees above the horizon, his cold weather wrap gracing his Weimaraner haunches, lo' did he sniff to his satisfaction the fierce winter winds. The Dog could have cared less for My State, reduced to a bone chilling numbness though wrapped in my all-bad-weather parka. 
However, I was not the one to suffer the consequences of standing in the cold by having an attack of diarrhea. Nevertheless, I had to pay for it when the Dog did. Gads.   

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